Smart solution

for ophthalmology patient monitoring, diagnostic support, and health outcome measurement

WHAT IS Nazzar?

It is a customizable and easily integrable Intelligent Health solution for the agile control and monitoring of patients undergoing intravitreal treatments, providing ophthalmologists with secure clinical decision support and health outcome measurement.

Solution designed by ophthalmologists

Health Outcome measurement

Decision suppont

Earier cost control

In the last 10 years, the incidence of pathologies requiring intravitreal treatments, such as cataracts, glaucoma, among others, has exponentially increased, resulting in a higher healthcare burden for Ophthalmology Services

Nazzar is the customizable and easy-to-integrate Intelligent Health solution for the agile control and monitoring of ophthalmic patients, providing ophthalmologists with secure clinical decision support and health outcome measurements

Currently, ophthalmological treatments are influenced by both medical and personal histories, as well as the clinical characteristics of various pathologies. The collection and proper handling of this data can enhance the monitoring of current and future patients’ progress.

Nazzar enables the optimization of healthcare protocols, aiming to achieve greater efficiency without compromising the quality of care

Road map


Intravitreal injection therapy




Glaucoma and others

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